How does the Hackathon work?

The Fall 2024 City Hackathon is a 36-hour event where volunteers with technical skills and creative ideas will work in teams to develop new solutions to a specific set of challenges. The event will take place at the University of Memphis FedEx Institute of Technology. Each team will select one challenge and one type of solution to work on over the course of the weekend of November 15-17, and we will provide optional coaching and skill workshops to help teams refine their ideas. On Sunday, November 17, each team will present their final work and proposed solution to a panel of judges, and multiple awards will be given including cash prizes. The topics for this event are all about challenges the City of Memphis is trying to solve to improve services and residents’ experiences: 1) reducing blight and improving neighborhood cleanliness; 2) rethinking transportation services to improve access to jobs; and 3) developing new ideas for how the City can effectively leverage AI and Smart City technology to improve services. You can see examples of completed projects and activities from the previous 2020 City Hackathon here.

Who should sign up for the Hackathon?

Anyone can be part of the Hackathon – you don’t have to be a technical genius! We are looking for people with many different types of skills and talents whether you are tech savvy, love research and data analysis, have out-of-the-box ideas to improve government services, or thrive in creative and design-oriented projects. Participants will join together in teams to develop and present their idea by the end of the event, and we strongly encourage you to find team members before or during the event who have different types of skills than you do.

How will teams be formed?

You do not need to come with a team already in place. Teams will be formed during the Friday kickoff event, with volunteers and staff available to help if needed. We encourage everyone to meet new people and build teams that will bring a variety of perspectives to your final project.

Do I have to stay at the Hackathon the whole weekend?

You are free to leave and take breaks from Hackathon activities at any time. However, we encourage everyone to be a good teammate – communicate with your team members if you have to leave. Don’t leave your team scrambling! Note that only teams present for the final judging and awards on Sunday will be eligible to win prizes. If you would like to be involved but not on a team, we welcome you to attend the Friday night kickoff on November 15. Come learn more & help teams brainstorm!

Does the Hackathon cost anything for participants?

Participants will be asked to pay a $10 registration fee. However, they will get their $10 back in cash when they check into the event on November 15. This is to make sure we get a good headcount for food and supplies. We will provide meals, workshops, space for teams to work, and social activities throughout the weekend for free.

I want to help, but I don’t think I want to be on a Hackathon team. What else can I do?

There are numerous ways to support the Hackathon beyond participating on a team. Contact us at if you would like to get involved in any of these ways:

·       Be a financial sponsor or provide in-kind donations for things like food, supplies, swag, or award prizes

·       Share your expertise in technology, data analysis, design thinking, communications or civic issues as a team coach or skill workshop facilitator

·       Be a behind-the-scenes volunteer during the event

Who’s organizing the Hackathon?

Innovate Memphis and Memphis Technology Foundation are the lead organizers for this event, and the challenge topics are based on priorities from Mayor Young and the City of Memphis. We are also partnering with many local technology- and talent pipeline-focused organizations on an event steering committee including City Leadership, Code Crew, Epicenter, StartCo, and Tech 901.